24 May Business Owners: Stay Connected When Working Remotely
From the consultant on her computer in a coffee shop to a contractor using his smartphone to run a meeting while waiting for his flight at the airport, business people are working remotely. Yes, it has become as ubiquitous as palm trees in San Diego.
Working remotely has become a viable and often preferred method for doing business in almost every niche from commercial painters to graphic designers to environmental scientists. So how do you make sure that you’re working effectively and conducting “business as usual”? How does a business owner communicate clearly with clients, grow the business, facilitate transparency with coworkers and remain in control of the business’ finances?
Working Remotely Doesn’t Mean Working Alone
It goes without saying that communication is key in business. It’s especially important to pay attention to good communications when working remotely, as the limitations of physical space, close proximity and even hours of operation are no longer in play. Here are some basic tips for doing it right:
Always invoke confidence Never view yourself as working alone. Because in reality, you’re not. You’ve got a team that consists of employees or coworkers back at the office, clients, subcontractors, vendors, bankers, bookkeepers and so on. Several of them may also be working remotely. Everyone needs to know that you are 100% in – all the time.
Remain transparent Communicate often and in several ways while working remotely. Use a smartphone, email, and social media every day. Be the one who initiates most conversations and always follow up and follow through. Your coworkers, clients, and vendors should never get the feeling that your transparency and authenticity is left behind when you’re not in the office. Everyone needs to know what you’re up to. Remain on a set schedule and keep everyone posted on your location and your calendar.
Stay personal It’s important that you stay personally and emotionally involved. Keep those water cooler conversations going. Be as interested and interesting as you are in person. Use personal forms of communications like email and phone calls to relay your daily successes, hand out at-a-boys, and ask about last night’s little league game.
Put these three tips into action and see that you can effectively work remotely while maintaining control of your business and all the people who make it possible.